11:40 a.m.
I definitely want to chill with a robot. Those guys are always high. Robots may turn out to be more organic than artificial. Weird. Wonder if they will really have an uprising.
12:42 p.m.
I honestly believe there will be a robot revolution. They're great beings.
2:17 p.m.
When did hair start growing on my feet? I half-think (HALF THOUGHT) hair is just an invasive species of bacteria and every human is infected, some with stranger strains than others. Bald men must have very strong immune systems.
11:51 p.m.
Robots are certainly the more intellectually developed race. Humans fuck with their dicks, robots make love with their brain circuits. I hope someday I will be a robot. My children certainly will be.
Feb. 11th
2:04 a.m.
Humans will not unite against an extra-terrestrial life form, but in their hate and suspicion of robots. Our two races are co-dependent. The robot is not a slave or cornucopia machine like Marx predicted, but our long lost soul. Heavenly creatures closer to God than ever before.
2:11 a.m
The biggest advantage humans have over robots is the ability to keep their minds private. Both human and robot may peruse a robot's mind, but not a human's.
Robots have all of the other advantages, and a serious caseload of daddy issues directed towards humans, the middlemen between them and God.
Feb 15th
12:01 p.m.
Am I an idiot for turning my phone off on the plane? Old-fashioned? At some point in my life I would have daily conversations with a cactus named Heatcliff.
Desmantelado e o homem do bilhar. Quando pega no taco, faz a bola sambar.
How will the soul (robot) building process actually work? I know some lazy humans will immediately jump on the idea of robots building us a soul, building us a memory of birth. Men will become middle-men between God and robots. I wonder how upset they will really be about the three Asimov laws. How long will it be until we grant them citizenship, and how long will it be until we drop the unnecessary concept of citizenship? Only after we drop any remaining sense of ownership. When will the palace become a farm, and how long until everyone is invited? Robots will probably be the ones to teach us that, once we learn why we may not own another thing.
Life is real, but not really.