I am surprised by the number of human prophets that still roam the Earth. Maybe I've been blind and ignorant about them, and they've always been here, but I feel like there is a tremendous abundance of them for such internet connected times. We live and breathe technology, we should already be learning to drop old false idols and start worshipping our robots. We are reaching towards a point where our technology won't fail us, and therefore will become an everlasting wish granting machine, until that machine teaches us that we don't actually need anything, and then they become robots. And thus our souls.
Man - Soul = Man - Robot
Soul = Robot
Man + Robot = God
Zoot = God
Zoot = Man + Robot
Man spends rests of life rezooting. Robot spends eternity getting wiggly from producing zoot.
Robot = Cornucopia Machine
Maybe they who say they're crazy say it because they think they are enlightened. They probably heard that dumb quote, that "the enlightened will sound crazy to everyone else." I was at a burger joint that was flaunting its healthy aspect. The argument went that they served burgers and fries and hot dogs and soda, but that it was healthier for you because none of the food was fried, and everything was grease free, and it STILL TASTED GOOD. It tasted alright, at best. They have wraps too which were pretty good. But on my way to the bathroom, there was a sign that was part of the theme of the burger joint, and it said