You can't use the word faggot in San Francisco without being scolded. You won't get your ass kicked, because people in SF are too scared to do that kind of stuff, but they'll certainly give you a piece of their mind, and be brutish about it too.
People in SF don't understand the actual meaning of the word faggot, which like all other words, is meaningless. In Miami, everyone uses the word faggot openly and freely. The word is truly beautiful, and it doesn't have any more of a connotation involving homosexuals as the word hotdog. It's a perfect expression, just say it out loud:
"That guy is a fucking faggot!"
The word fuck in front of faggot is not only sound-sexy alliteration, but as it rolls off the tongue it brings a wisp of breath into you and releases stress and soothes your nerves. Everyone knows when someone is being a fucking faggot. It's not homosexual in anyway. Sometimes homosexuals can be fucking faggots too, but it's not because of their sexual orientation. The word gay doesn't mean homosexual either. Last time anyone checked, not only do words often have more than one meaning, but they can also be used in any context freely if their meaning is conveyed appropriately. Unless the word gay definitely did not mean lame to every single heterosexual person, it is certainly not incorrect to use when expressing something as being lame. And it doesn't even mean lame, it means something else. It means gay. Like that guy is gay, or that party was gay as fuck. There's nothing homosexual about it. It's pretty gay that people get upset over other people's usage of words. Those people are gay.
Words don't even have any meanings or thing do. Life is real, but not really. Nothing makes any sense. There are grammar nazis and other dumb dumb dumb people who get upset over grammar and the correct way of saying and writing things, but not only are those people gay, they are clearly wrong by the mere fact that they are absolutists. When were these rules written down? How did these rules come about, if not people being creatively expressive in their communication amongst one another? Did someone once say water, and then someone come up and correct them and explain with sign language that the word water is actually the incorrect way of explaining what water is through hand gestures? The whole thing starts getting really ridiculous. And the idea of a dumbing down of language is so laughable. If you ever hear anyone talk about the dumbing down of language, go ahead and check them off as old fashioned, backwards, traditional, moronic, etc. Nothing actually makes sense. There is no sense factory. What non-sense.
How vapid is this gonna get?