
Ramblings of a Mad Man IV

The video would have been more effective if it had been narrated by a man. Here's why:

"Society is biased. People are more likely to perceive professionalism in someone wearing a suit than someone wearing jean shorts and a t-shirt. Sexism is in the same category, it has been built up by social wisdom passed down from previous generations. You can't accuse either of the sexes of being guilty of this wisdom, since there is a relatively equal amount of men and women on the planet. Feminism falls prey to their own conflict because it doesn't have enough male role models. If the world is still sexist, then one way to combat it is by using peoples' subconscious sexism to turn them into equalists. If sexism exists, this video would have been more effective if narrated by a woman. If sexism is true, then the best people to dissolve it would be men.

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There is a paradigm in this thought. That paradigm is value. Before everyone's birth there was nothing, and after birth there was much randomness. Slowly humans carried on generations and passed down wisdom. All aspects of society are purely old wisdom. There is no other way to develop anything in civilized society. There is an equal amount of perceived "bad" wisdom as there is "good" wisdom, if not more so. Value is placed on wisdom, and it is how people judge concepts and make decisions. But there is an equal amount of any type of perceived wisdom, and it is all the same thing, just wisdom. There is no actual value. Value is an old wisdom passed down from generations. It is a paradigm in thought, and if value is successfully dropped, one can start formulating thoughts with a much more effective categorization.

horts and a t-shirt. Sexism is in the same category, it hective aras been built up by social wiective arsdom passed dowective arn from p82revious generations. Y is placed on wadigisdom, and it is how people judge conadigcepts and make decisions. But there is aobon equal amount of any type of percadigeived wisway to develop anything in civilized society. There is an equal amount of perceived "bad" wisdoobom as there is "goobood" wisdom, if not and it is and it is soobocietyerceived wisdom, and it is all the same thing, just wisdom. There is no actual value. Va82lue is an old wisdom passed do effective in its respectociety. A m, in factferent w a femin

Wisdom is neither good nor bad, it is wisdom. Whether it is effective in its respective area is left to be judged and turned into newer wisdom by the next generations. The removal of value allows people to see more clearly what something actually is. Remove value from every part of human life and what you are left with is a more mechanical society. A more robotic way of living, a species reaching God.

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If sexism is perceived as a wisdom that humans wish to abandon, they would use the most effective strategy to remove it. If society is sexist, then it may utilize this knowledge as a strategy to promote equality.

This video isn't a feminist or anti-sexist issue necessarily, in fact the motives are of a different wisdom. But my sexist ass believes that more people would be influenced by this message (wisdom, no value attached) if it would have been narrated by a masculine voice.

Socsetviety is biased. "349" src="http/29dy5aw.png" border="0isdois wisdom, since there is a relatively equal amount of men and womet because it doesn't have enough male role models. If the world is set htill sexiet hst, then one way to ttttttcombat it is by using peoples' subconsout sexism. I made one joke about the feminist movement beingts and a t-shirt. Sexisch randomness. Slowly hu

You might say, "the wisdom of a male narrator being more effective" has value, but it doesn't. It is merely a wisdom that exists today as a product of previous wisdoms that have been utilized before."


He said something along those lines. I can't believe my friends tried to set me up with him. What a sexist jackass.

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me day ag82ain at a seminar. I don't reme82mber what it was ab"0isout, bp8 cqut it ha"0is"0isd to do with China because I went for extra credit for my 'Internatccuse either of the sexes of beingsrr guilty of this wisdowwm, since tht he was the swere is a relatively eet hqual amount of mt he was the swen and women on the planet. Feminione joke about the feminist moen more effective if it had been narrated by a man. Hesetrrgsevsevre's hysert:

He reminded me of this guy I met in collage. I thought he was the sweetest thing at first. He was good looking, brown haired and fair skinned with beautiful blue eyes. I met him through a mutual friend during a break from my classes. I saw him that same day again at a seminar. I don't remember what it was about, but it had to do with China because I went for extra credit for my 'International relations of China' class. He sat next to me and after the seminar he sounded passionate, so I let him talk to me about the seminar as I pretended to seem (to let him suppose an assumption) interested. We went steady for a few weeks until i found out he was a chauvinist asshole.

That's not how it happened at all. She asked me for a ride to her car after the seminar because she said she had parked really far away. And we were never going steady either. We went on three dates and hooked up a couple of times.

n on the planet. Feminism wisdom, and it is how people judge conceptttts and make decisions. But there is an equal amount of 01010100000324any type of perceivedves wisdom, and it is all the same thing, just wisdom. old;">I also disagree with what she said. I never said any of thats hit about s........exism. I made one joke about the feminist movement being more effective if it were lead by men. I was being sarcastic. I did say all that value stuff too,ame thing, just wdrbruisdocepts and make dtttec same category, it has been built up by social wisdom 3984 cy89apassed down from pkja grevious generations. You can't accuse either of the sexes of being guilty of this wisdom, since there is a relatively equal amount of men and women on the planet. Feminism falls prey to243qkj their own conflic$1OO,OOO,OOO.

I also disagree with what she said. I never said any of that shit about sexism. I made one joke about the feminist movement being more effective if it were lead by men. I was being sarcastic. I did say all that value stuff too, but it was late as fuck and I was drunk as shit.