Here at diff int, we sometimes take distinguished approaches to debating or articulating issues of greater unimportance and insignificance better than anyone else, and we would like to continue this tradition by bringing you all back to the beginning of the blog. Going back in time, visiting the events of September 11, 20XX through a new lens. The two x's are for you two decide, it can be any number, and the Washington post has chosen 2011 as a time to come back to what's important, addressing the issues of Government control, censorship, and surveillance, the treatments of American Muslims, but only during the days surrounding September 11, 20XX, as per their own tradition. The FBI doesn't stalk innocent people on other months, or if they do, it doesn't really matter.
To celebrate the September Eye's opening, let us shut our own eyes, including the thirds, for the entire month.
At what point is it your problem to have problems? In the States we live with an abundance of creativity, innovation, and different interests that very few can achieve elsewhere. When asked whether he foresaw a good time coming for those humanities left here on Earth, the Dalai Lama said:
"I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe."
Slowly getting nowhere, a reclusive Pynchon decided to comment on the matter:
"Perhaps history this century, thought Eigenvalue, is rippled with gathers in its fabric such that if we are situated, as Stencil seemed to be, at the bottom of a fold, it's impossible to determine warp, woof, or pattern anywhere else."
The September Eye has an illusive iris. It shuts itself from the inside, and you can never be sure of what it sees.