Two days before his eighty-fourth birthday, Castro comes out of his eternal-life permanence chamber/tube to give the world his gloomy prediction: We are all doomed to nuclear suicide if current global politics continue. He insists, since Obama's inauguration, in his belief that the 44th American president is the one who will shape our international political relations of the future, and once again he has called upon Obama to rescue us from total destruction.
This reminds me of Max Weber, who mostly had a positive outlook of the world throughout his life, but receded into a senile sphere of pessimism towards his dying days, marking the sentiment with this statement in one of his final writings:
Not summer's bloom lies ahead of us,
but rather a polar night of icy darkness and hardness.
One might guess about Castro's secretive sources, but there's really not much to consider coming from this tiny Caribbean island's dictator who will be long forgotten once Cuba releases itself from the clutches of oppression and becomes another Carribean island resort for American tourists.