Will Silvio Berlusconi's hot streak ever come to an end? He's nailing one good headline after the other. Here's the latest: Menage Quatre

Berlusconi has lost majority in the Italian Parliament after a split in his party. He's set for a tough vote of confidence. If anything can save the man now, it's the chauvinistic inclinations of parliament members, should they decide the recent news of Berlusconi's Sexcapades prove he's fucking awesome and should remain in charge.

The man makes sexist comments to female members of his parliament, he plays peek-a-boo with German prime minister Angela Merkel even after he left her waiting while he chatted on his phone, complimented Obama on his tan, had a statue thrown at his face, and to top it all off, declared "I am no longer a playboy, I'm a playold." This statement was made before his alleged, probably true, amazing foursome.

The guy gets a lot of heat. If he doesn't lose the vote tomorrow he will most likely lose his position soon. But I respect the guy. I believe he deserves more respect, even admiration, for being an old-fashioned misogynist the likes of which we'll hopefully never see again. Being the top ranked politician in your country AND being an insensitive, out of touch sexist is extremely difficult by today's standards, or double-lack-thereof. He's the kind of guy you want taking you to a strip club. You want him as your wingman when you try ti pick up (holler at, be really creepy towards) girls. He's charming. He's smooth. He's 73, and serves as an example that life can be a wonderful experience at any age. The man says what comes to his mind and knows what he likes, and what he likes is (degrading) women, sexual humor, and a good time.
Cheers, Berlusconi, for being one of the world's most interesting men.