Gloomy, rejuvenated, pro-Semite and now man enough to admit that not everything is as planned in el Paraiso, Fidel is back for a third swing. According to this article, a reporter for the Atlantic, Jeffrey Goldberg, and Fidel were having a "red wine and fish lunch", when the reporter asked Fidel if Cuba's economic system is still a viable option for other nations, to which Fidel gave this response:
"The Cuban model doesn't even work for us anymore.''
Surprisingly, this is only the second most srsly interesting statement in this article. "He is either crazy or senile," said Jaime Suchlicki, a long-time Castro observer and head of the University of Miami's Research Institute for Cuban Studies, who cannot understand why someone who has bankrupted a once wealthy and prosperous island nation would ever admit that a flawed and crippling communist political-economic system isn't a good look for anyone. I mean, really, the country's GDP is almost 100% Venezuelan donations. He must be crazy to say the Cuban system is broken! Also LOL I got this article from the Miami Herald, under the Cuba section, which I am suspicious is the only section in that newspaper that people read.
But maybe Fidel knew all along that Communism would not work in Cuba: