
Vol.I – Grandpa

After sitting on his nicotine drenched chair for what felt like the time it would take to carve a life-sized Dolly Parton out of trailer park marble, he finally parted with the grappling, leg-locked, sweat soaked men adorning the recently purchased 55” LED long enough to lean forward from his appropriately titled “Laz-E-Boy” to gurgle the words, “you've grow'd to be just the right size of pussyfart I'd always know'd you'd be.” His grunting barley audible, drowned out by the greased up pros. A recent target in a 30 year prodding.

“I'm the only one that will come and visit you. You know that right?”

This declaration sends him back into the comfort of the Hans Solo-esk imprint of a broken man, permanently inverted in the deflated brown cushions. His coffee&cigarette stained grin momentarily silenced by the gravel like stubbles that sandpapers his face.

“Why don't you make yerself useful and go an getme an Arizona Sweet Tea from the icebox”, his daggered eyes releasing their gunlock, positioning their aim back to the waxed banana-hammocks grinding all over each other on the t.v..

Compliance only reinforces his turgid tongue. Still, better drinking than talking. So I get up to get him his goddamn drink.
Ironic that this sugar-filled shit goes in his mouth all day yet only the blackest pig intestine cancer makes its way out.

As I walk to the kitchen I can't help but to think of this reoccurring dream I have where I can almost fly. I can't fly, instead I hover. I jump from ledges, I fall off balconies and just before I plummet to the ground, right at the very microsecond of certain facial explosion I float. All the while I feel that I can fly, that I can soar through the condensation building in the air, feeling the cool mist freckling my face as the wind powers through my hair, yet I am subjected to any and every guiding gust, any and all intentions except my own.

He's crying foul play to the televised referee as I hand him the drink. He doesn't so much as look up at me, unable to pause his defending argument. Apparently a folding chair was illegally used to crack Bishop Bison's face when the ref was distracted by Mr.Glitz's manager and her big ass tits.  I stare down at my rotting bloodline, stomping his feet and throwing the remote, and can't help but wish I had a metal folding chair.