Some sexist fuck is claiming that Amelia Earhart is a symbol of feminist myth-making, whatever the hell that is. And he's being snide about it too. The point he gets at is that Amelia never actually accomplished anything a man hadn't accomplished before her, and that her accomplishments were not only far easier to achieve due to the technological developments that were available to her, but her lack of ability and experience with aircrafts actually damaged several airplanes. He even goes as far as blaming Amelia's "incompetence" for her fatal plane crash.
In the article, this dude named Dalrock points out, and this is a summary, that
Amelia's famous flight across the Atlantic came 10 years after people had not only achieved the same feat, but had perfected the technology, and that the plane she rode in was significantly more advanced technologically than the ones of the first pioneers of transatlantic flights, and that she was actually only a passenger on the flight, not having provided any technical assistance to the pilot or maneuvering the aircraft in any way. Amelia did eventually fly across the Atlantic, but in a much shorter distance than had been done numerous times before, and in an airplane that had already successfully flown across the world several times. Amelia eventually crashed her plane attempting an already accomplished flight across the world, and it was due to her inability to learn and properly communicate using morse code, and that this fatal attempt to fly around the world was actually her second, her first coming to an end because the plane was damaged due to pilot (Amelia) error.
Clearly, this guy is just hating on women.
Whatever yo.