Hola Tobias aqui estoy, buscando un susurro de lo que tu aliento dejo en aquel dia de adios.
Aqui, donde la corriente arrastra tu escencia pero que no borra tu idea.
Aqui, donde las palabras se crean en un plasmado papel
que vive cuando de alla soplas un gracias.
Si Tobias, aqui estoy pues me interesas y quien sabe hasta me inspiras.
Lo haces pues en una mesa de cafe contemporaneo y quiero seguir lo que otros no te permitieron hacer.
Mi idea es un esfuerzo y mi presentacion tu recuerdo.
El jurado sera los que instruiste y te piensan
y quien no dice, que vean lo que hoy aqui, sin haberte conocido te expreso.
Quien sabe Tobias, quizas sea quien buscan.
Tobias Rodriguez-Wynwood opened the first art gallery in what is now the Wynwood arts district in 1878. A self-taught polymath and provocateur, TRW was also the first Miami street artist. Under the cover of night, he routinely graffitied the exterior of his own building, then would march into the city commission the following morning to deliver one of his infamous tirades against "the aesthetic blasphemy of street art." A lover of small dogs and poetry, he took it upon himself to nurture Miami's literary scene by holding roundtable workshops and craft lectures on the gallery's back porch. His corpse floated to the surface of the Miami River in 1931.